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Cats & Kittys

Cat Myths

For thousands of years, there have been many myths about cats. You may be surprised to find some of them are purr-fectly false.

Here are some of them. You shouldn't believe if you hear that:
  • Cats always land on their feet unscathed

  • Cats should drink milk every day

  • Cats have nine lives

  • All cats become fat after being spayed or neutered

  • Female cats should have one litter before spaying

  • Cats misbehave out of spite 

  • It is impossible for cats to get fleas or rabies

  • Cats spread disease and make people sick. 

  • Cats are of great danger to babies

  • Cats can't smell

More Myth's Explanations

If a cat urinates/defecates in the wrong spot (ie: on your favourite Persian rug), rub it's nose in it.

Not only is rubbing your cat's nose in it's urine/faeces cruel, it serves no constructive purpose. All this type of punishment will do is frighten your cat. A far more constructive method would be to try & find out why the cat has started eliminating outside it's litter tray. Sometimes, owners think they are teaching the cat a lesson by rubbing it's nose in it's urine/faeces & then placing the cat in it's litter tray. The cat will start to associate punishment with it's litter tray & avoid using it all the more. The first stop should be to your cat's vet to rule out a medical problem. If your cat gets a clean bill of health then you will have to try & work out what is preventing your cat from using it's tray. Some possible causes are...

The tray is too dirty, easily solved by cleaning the tray out more often. 

Your cat was ambushed by another cat while in the tray. 

Your cat doesn't like hooded trays, or alternatively, your cat doesn't like open boxes. 

Your cat doesn't like the location of the litter tray. Common location problems are...the tray has been placed in a busy area. Cats like privacy when they're on the loo. Because cats are vulnerable when they are going to the toilet, they like to ensure they have an escape route, therefore some (but not all) cats will refuse to use a tray for this reason.

Cats can have cow's milk

While a lot of cats love to drink cow's milk, it's not recommended. Many cats are lactose intolerant & giving them milk will result in them getting an upset tummy. This is especially dangerous in kittens who can dehydrate quickly.

An adult cat doesn't need to drink milk at all. If you must give your cat milk, it is recommended you purchase special "cat's milk" which has been specifically formulated for cat's to drink. 

Cats can have fish

It is perfectly fine to give your cat the occasional treat of fish, but it should not become a part of their regular diet. Feeding too much fish can lead to Yellow Fat Disease (steatitis), caused by Vitamin E deficiency. Cats require taurine in their diet & fish doesn't provide this in sufficient amounts.

When you move house, put butter on your cat's paws to stop it from roaming & getting lost.

Putting butter on your cat's paws won't stop it from getting lost when it moves to a new home. The safest bet is to keep your cat either exclusively indoors or allow it to go out in a purpose built cat enclosure. If you absolutely must let your cat go outdoors, hold off for 2-3 weeks. Before letting your cat out, ensure it has a microchip & the details are current. You could also buy some Feliway (available from your veterinarian) & spray this around the house. Feliway is a synthetic pheromone which help calm anxious cats. 

My cat will get fat & lazy if it is desexed.

By desexing your cat, you are preventing it from contributing to the very serious over population of kittens & cats. Entire male cats run the risk of testicular cancer, abscesses caused by fighting, being hit by a car while roaming, FIV (Feline Aids) & FeLV. Entire female cats have a greater risk of breast cancer & can develop pyometra (infection of the uterus), plus she can contract FIV & FeLV from an infected male, car accidents. 

Some entire females will often go off their food when they are in heat, which happens several times a year. Entire males will roam the neighbourhood looking for a female to mate with. Both of these can cause cats to become underweight. When your cat has been desexed, it's mind is no longer on finding a partner. So, while a desexed cat won't gain weight as a result of the operation, an entire cat "may" lose weight because it has other things on it's mind.

If you find your cat is putting on weight, it is recommended that you seek advice from your vet, NEVER put your cat on a diet without veterinary supervision as this can lead to a life threatening condition called Hepatic Lipidosis. Regular exercise will also ensure your cat doesn't become overweight. 

My female cat should have one litter before she is spayed

Not at all, in fact it is better to have her spayed before 6 months of age to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. Here is a very good article on why it is important to spay/neuter your cat.

Cats must be 6 months before they can be desexed

With modern anaesthetics, cats can now be safely desexed as young as 8 weeks of age. For further information on early desexing, read this article. 

Cats always land on their feet

Do cats always land on their feet? depends, if the cat falls a very short distance from the ground it doesn't have enough time to right itself. A cat will be seriously injured & quite possibly killed if it falls from a great height. There is a new term coined by American veterinarians called "high rise syndrome". Due to the ever increasing human population, high rise apartments are becoming more the norm & vets are seeing many cats who have been injured falling out of high rise apartments. 

Declawing won't hurt my cat

Declawing is more than simply removing the cat's claws, the last bone on the cat's claw is amputated. This is an excruciatingly painful procedure & one which not all cats will fully recover from. Many declawed cats are surrendered to shelters because of behavioural problems they developed after being declawed including biting & refusal to use their litter tray. 

Cats by nature walk on their toes, so after they've been declawed, walking often becomes extremely painful to them.

If you are worried about your cat scratching the furniture (or your family) you can try trimming your cat's claws or you could put Soft Paws on it. 

Can I feed my cat dog food?

Feeding your cat dog food is extremely dangerous. Dog food is missing essential the essential nutrients taurine & arachidonic acid. Taurine deficiency can lead to blindness & arachidonic acid can lead to dry, scaly skin. Cats require a higher protein & fat content in their diet. 

Cat fur causes allergies

The primary cause of allergic reactions to cats is caused by allergens found in the cat sebaceous glands in the cat's skin, such as the allergenic glycoprotein called Fel D1(short for "Felis domesticus"), it is also secreted via saliva in lesser quantities. When cats lick themselves, they spread this protein, which is rather sticky, and glues itself onto dust particles, the home, your clothing and their fur; whether it's long, short, straight, curly, or absent. As all cats have sebaceous glands, all cat breeds can potentially cause allergies. Allergic allergens are also found in the faeces, serum, urine, mucous, dander, and hair roots of the cat.

A cat purrs because it's happy

Well yes, cat's do purr when they're happy but they will sometimes purr when they are in pain. Cats have been known to purr when they are giving birth & they will sometimes purr when they are dying. Purring is more an expression of an emotion than an expression of happiness. 

Cats will not mate with their siblings/parents/offspring

Cats do not share the same taboos about incest as humans do. If left entire, closely related cats including brother & sister, parent to offspring will mate. It is advisable to desex your cats before 6 months to prevent this from happening.

All calico (tortoiseshell) cats are female.

No, while the vast majority of calico cats are female, there is the occasional male. However, virtually all of these males are sterile. the calico colour is sex linked. For a cat to be calico it must have two X chromosomes ergo the cat is female. In rare instances however a male calico will be produced. This usually happens because the cat has an extra chromosome. So, instead of him being XY, he is XXY. These cats are known as Kleinfelter males. 

* Approximately 1-3,000 calico's are male & out of those only 1-10,000 are fertile. 

Calico males are worth a lot of money

While it is true that calico males are rare, they are not valuable in financial terms. 

All orange cats are male

No, it is possible to have an orange female. Unlike the orange male, who only needs one copy of the O gene to produce an orange coat, the female requires the O to be on both chromosomes. If she has only one O, the resulting coat colour will be calico. 

If you no longer want your pet cat, it is OK to release it into the wild because cats can fend for themselves

It's a shame, but sadly there are still some people who tire of their pet cat & leave the cat outdoors, justifying their behaviour by telling themselves that cats can fend for themselves. This is NOT the case. Pet cats who find themselves turfed out will most likely die of either starvation, injuries caused by fights with other animals, disease or be hit by a car. If you no longer want your cat then do the right thing & either find it a new home or take it to a shelter. 

All male cats spray

Not all male cats spray. Entire male cats are much more likely to spray than desexed ones, which is another good reason to desex your cats. Female cats (especially entire ones) can also spray, although it's less common for an entire female to spray than an entire male. 

You can't turn an indoor/outdoor cat into an indoor only cat 

Yes you can, and my cats are a great example of this. They were all indoor/outdoor but reverted to indoor only (with access to an outdoor enclosure) with very little difficulty. It is easy to do as long as you ensure the cat(s) have enough mental stimulation. 

Cats are independent & the ideal pet for somebody with a busy lifestyle 

This is entirely dependant on the individual cat. Some cats are more independent than others but generally ALL cats need some companionship. If you lead a busy lifestyle & spend long hours working it is advisable you have two cats, so they can keep each other company while you are out. 

Cats smother babies

There isn't a single verified case of a cat smothering a baby, this is entirely myth. However, there are several cases of parents accidentally smothering babies in their sleep. 

Devon Rexes, Cornish Rexes & Sphyx's are hypoallergenic

In truth, a rex cat is no different from any other cat and produces allergen like all other cats. They are not hypoallergenic by any means, as claimed by some. Then why do some people seem to have no allergic reaction to rex cats? There is no simple answer to this question at this time, and more research is required to get the answers needed. One possible hypothesis is that as rex cats have less hair to shed, they simply deposit less allergen-laced hair around the home. But, whatever the reasons some allergic people seem to tolerate them. From personal studies and observations by Margaret Lawrence in the UK, she found that around 10% of people allergic to cats tolerate rex cats. Please, before you race out and look for a rex cat, remember you should always test your allergies by visiting home or catteries that only own rex cats, and test continuously over several weeks or months. As you don't want the poor little kitten to be re-homed if you find out you are allergic to him or her. Don't let your new cat become another statistic at a shelter.

Indoor cats cannot get diseases/parasites

Many viral/bacterial infections are airborne & can be carried into your house through the air or on a person's clothing. Fleas & other parasites can also be brought in via a person's clothing. 

Pregnant women shouldn't own cats

If a woman hasn't had prior exposure to Toxoplasmosis & becomes infected during pregnancy, it can harm her unborn baby. Cats are the natural host for Toxoplasmosis, however Toxoplasmosis can also be acquired from eating undercooked meat, improperly washed vegetables or gardening. I was tested for Toxoplasmosis throughout my recent pregnancy & remained negative even though I was living with 9 cats, one of whom had tested positive for Toxoplasmosis. Pregnant women should take precautions such as avoiding cleaning the litter tray, ensuring their meat is thoroughly cooked, washing vegetables properly & wearing gloves while gardening. There is no need to get rid of your cat just because you're pregnant. 

Putting bells on a cat's collar will stop it catching mice & birds

This theory has been around for hundreds of years. I used to put bells on my cat's collars, in fact Eliot, who was my best hunter had three bells on her collar at one point & it did absolutely nothing to stop her catching the wildlife. In fact, there is new research to indicate that cats who have had bells put on their collars are better at catching prey. This is because they learn to move without the bell making a sound & therefore they are stealthier.

All cats hate water

Most cats hate water but not all. Turkish Van's are known to be fond of water & enjoy swimming. My Bengal also likes to play with water, although I can't imagine him ever wanting to go swimming in it. I've known of other Bengal cats who enjoy playing with water also. 

Siamese cats are mean

This myth came about in part from the movie The Lady & the Tramp where the Siamese cat is portrayed in less than a glowing light. In my opinion, temperament is a result of genetics & socialisation. If a cat is raised in a loving environment, the chances are they will grow up into well adjusted & loving pets. If the myth were true that Siamese cats are mean, I'm sure they wouldn't be one of the world's most popular breeds of cat.

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